Guess and Check


Tour de Lance and an amazing play by Jeter

Filed under: Sports — 5:32 am

I just remembered: the Tour de France starts today. I’m rooting for my pal Lance Armstrong.

I love that recent commercial he did. You can see it here here.

Looks like he’s on a recent cover of Sports Illustrated too. Here’s the article.

And while we’re on sports, how about Derek Jeter’s play the other day? See it here.

Wow. Just… wow.

FireFox 0.9.1

Filed under: Current Events,Technology — 3:58 am

Well, I updated to Firefox 0.9.1 a few hours ago. I had been using 0.8 since mid-June and had been waiting on 0.9 for a little while. It only took me eleven minutes from arriving to the FireFox page until browsing readiness. That includes reading the release notes, backing up 0.8, downloading, installing, getting the Qute theme, and installing all my extensions.

I chuckle over an article I saw recently. It seems The Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team recommends not using Internet Explorer because of recent vulnerabilities being exposed.

Heh heh.